Grace Upon Grace

I Remember You
by Grant Christensen

God of all Grace,

I Remember You,

From my bed late at night,
Crying myself to sleep,
Wishing I was home,
Left with no one. . . but you.

I Remember You.

Seeing Mamma's open grave,
Dust to dust,
Ashes to ashes,
In days when your presence,
Was as elusive as mist and water.

I Remember You.

When the terror of demons,
Snapped in my mind,
Your Word kept me sane.

I Remember You.

In Dad flying home,
All the way from Japan,
With a mere day's notice,
To find his son,
An addicted shadow.

I Remember You.

In the despair
Of my own choices,
Lying in Emergency,
No longer able to speak,
Only left to listen.

I Remember You.

In giving to me,
A group of people
Who listened to the hoarded pain,
Who helped me give up,
Being a miser of grief

I Remember You.

While sitting in the car,
Just after Dad's passing,
Your voice--resounding,
"Peace upon you."
"Peace upon you."
"Peace upon you."
Rolling over me,
Like waves of the ocean,
Without cessation.

I Remember You.

In the stillness of water,
In the stillness of air,
In the stillness of your presence.

Still Waters

© 2022 by Grant Christensen. "Freely you have received, freely give." (Matthew 10:8b NIV) You are free to share--copy and redistribute in any medium or format--as long as you don't change the content and don't use commercially without permission of the author or author's family.