Grace Upon Grace

More Musings on... Prayers of Desperation
by Grant Christensen
December 26, 2019

Dear Lord,

I come to you, not strong and put together, but shattered by my pride, lifted by the "I" of self-reliance until all I can see is the horizon of my own solitary self—my own wretchedness. Lord, shape in me a new identity, one forged in the fires of your love, one softened by the caress of your compassion, one made fragile as an earthenware jar. Mold me in brokenness, a vessel of clay dimmed by the brilliance of your presence. Mold me by your free grace, for you are the potter, and I am the clay. Mold me by your mercy, having forgiven all my sins. Mold in me Christ-reliance, being rooted, and built up in you. All praise be to the Lord God, compassionate, merciful and gracious, overflowing—spilling over—with faithfulness and loving-kindness!


Grant praying
© 2022 by Grant Christensen. "Freely you have received, freely give." (Matthew 10:8b NIV) You are free to share--copy and redistribute in any medium or format--as long as you don't change the content and don't use commercially without permission of the author or author's family.