More Musings on... A Costco Sunset |
by Grant Christensen January 30, 2019 |
I stopped at Costco this evening and got out of the car just in time to see a spectacular sunset! Employees were coming out of the building to admire the sky. In front of the store were a couple of dozen people all with cell phones out taking pictures. I think sometimes God reminds us of His presence through a sunset painted or an early morning moon with Venus and Jupiter, a trilogy of lights welcoming the morning! That was what I saw this morning as I was scraping ice off the car. Just then two Canada geese honked their way across the sky flying towards the moon, Venus, and Jupiter! Thank you to the One through whom all things were created and in whom all things hold together—Jesus! |
© 2022 by Grant Christensen. "Freely you have received, freely give." (Matthew 10:8b NIV) You are free to share—copy and redistribute in any medium or format—as long as you don't change the content and don't use commercially without permission of the author or author's family.